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A renowned Suffolk school rated twice by Ofsted as ‘Outstanding’ is to become a teaching hub supporting 180 schools.

Churchill Academy in Haverhill is one of only two special schools in the country to be awarded the Teaching School Hub status by the Government.

Run by Unity Schools Partnership, the hub will see schools across West Suffolk, Mid Suffolk, Forest Heath and Suffolk Coastal supported with high quality professional development for teachers and leaders.

Churchill Academy will also work closely with neighbouring Teaching School Hubs in Cambridgeshire and Essex.

Tim Coulson, chief executive of Unity Schools Partnership, said: “We are delighted that Churchill Academy’s application to become a Teaching School Hub has been successful.

“It is national recognition of the excellent work of Churchill since it opened in 2015.

“We feel greater collaboration, both within and outside of our trust, will be a key component to education going forward.”

Teaching School Hubs will provide high-quality professional development to school staff at all stages of their careers.

Andy Samways, director of research school at Unity Schools Partnership, said: “We will begin operating in September 2021 and are planning now to establish collaborations and partnerships to bring this large-scale, integrated offer to all schools.

“Our work as a Teaching School Hub will seek to build on strong relationships and the wide variety of significant contributions by initial teacher training providers, curriculum hubs and school improvement partners.

“As one of only two Teaching School Hubs led by a special school, our hub is looking forward to adding a specialist focus and an inclusive approach to the network – and our area in particular – through our high quality professional development activity in the coming months.”

The government’s Teaching School Hub programme has created a network of 87 centres of excellence for teacher training and development, focused on some of the best schools and multi-academy trusts in the country.

They will play a key role in the government’s recruitment, retention and development strategy for schools over the next three years.

Andy Samways

“As one of only two Teaching School Hubs led by a special school, our hub is looking forward to adding a specialist focus and an inclusive approach to the network”