Unity Schools Partnership


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Continuing Professional Development

At Unity Schools Partnership we work from the principle that effective professional development is an ongoing process rather than a single event. Every interaction is an opportunity for reflection and professional learning. We provide high-quality, evidence-informed, high impact CPD for our own schools and schools that are not part of the Unity family (see below).

Our CPD offer for Autumn can be downloaded here, or continue below to find out our approach to Continuing Professional Development.

CPD for Our Schools

Our trust-wide offer is designed to supplement the wide variety of valuable opportunities provided by individual schools. Collaboration and networking across our schools brings great opportunity for extensive professional development.

We ensure our professional development activities are focused on identified need, aligned to school improvement and appropriately spaced so that individual learning activities collectively reinforce one another and revisit the same messages. In addition, we align with Unity Research School to bring the best bets from evidence ,alongside practice, and supplement experience.

Annual Whole-Trust PD Day

A key milestone within our Unity year, is the annual Professional Development Conference. It is an inclusive day – every staff member is invited to take part in sessions that are pertinent to them.

Probably the best CPD day I have had because I was able to tailor it to my needs.


The main objective of the day is not only to provide timely, high-quality, pertinent CPD, but to bring the entire trust together. It is an inspiring day; seeing us all together in one place, getting to know each other better and making new connections that will facilitate inter-school collaboration – not to mention the health and wellbeing sessions that really help the day to ‘sing’.

I left feeling spiritually cleansed, a great day.


In January 2020, we hosted our largest ever conference at Thomas Gainsborough School, Sudbury, welcoming 1015 employees and offering 120 workshops to choose from.

I thoroughly enjoyed the day.  Not only the workshops, but also the opportunity to network too.


Unity Professional Development

Unity Professional Development (UPD) comprises a blend of initial training, follow-on support, and consolidation activities, involving Unity’s own staff, Research School input as well as high quality external collaboration. We seek to:

  • create opportunities for staff to reflect on their existing beliefs and practices
  • provide challenge to inspire even more effective practices
  • make training interactive, with active learning through observation, meaningful discussion and reflection, demonstration of skills, deliberate practice, and feedback
  • focus both on generic and subject-specific pedagogy
  • provide structured support to help staff apply general pedagogical strategies to specific subject areas
  • use a range of media and delivery approaches, including

Opportunities available and our offer is continually evolving. For further details please contact Helen Main (hmain@unitysp.co.uk) Amid Coronavirus and the interruption to schooling, our digest of free remote CPD and associated extra publications signposts colleagues to valuable opportunities available during the current context.

Useful Resources for Teaching & Learning at Home

CPD at home

An extensive set of resources, collated in PDF with clickable links to help you continue your professional development whilst working from home.

Talking to Children About Coronavirus

5 useful resources, collated in PDF with clickable links, to use when talking to children of different ages about the current situation caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19)

5 Videos on Staying Mentally Well Through Coronavirus

5 videos from a variety of trusted sources, to help staff support pupils and each other through Coronavirus (COVID-19), collated in a clickable PDF.

7 Guides for Mental Health & Wellbeing from Anna Freud National Centre

A clickable PDF with 7 valuable guides from the Anna Freud National Centre for mental health and wellbeing – guides for supporting staff, pupils and ourselves.

8 Blogs to Inspire Next Step Thinking

A clickable PDF with 8 quick reads to support planning and next steps and inspire thinking throughout Coronavirus. Aimed at school leaders and teachers.

5 Pertinent Guidance Reports from the EEF

A clickable PDF with links to the 5 most useful guidance reports from the Education Endowment Foundation with associated resources:

  • Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning
  • Working with Parents to Support Children’s Learning
  • Behaviour
  • Improving Social and Emotional Learning in Primary Schools
  • Putting Evidence to Work: A Schools’ Guide to Implementation
  • Making the Best Use of Teaching Assistants

All reports result from research trials and summaries and suggested strategies are all based on evidence from research. (Please see the Research Schools Network page for more information on the RSN and the EEF.) Resource aimed at school leaders and teachers.

Staff Wellbeing Playbook

Created by Big Education

The purpose of this playbook is to share insights and ideas about how to support staff (and your own) wellbeing at this time. It sets out a way of taking stock, having conversations, considering ideas and starting to form a plan for the coming months. It is a free resource which you can share with your own teams and networks.