Unity Schools Partnership


Our Schools
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What is Unity Research School?

Unity Research School is not a physical school as such, rather a team of experienced educationalists, passionate about education research and the evidence-informed strategies it provides. We are part of the larger Research Schools Network and are supported by the practices of the EEF.

Having Unity Research School as part of Unity Schools Partnership means that Unity’s schools have instant access to evidence-based information which they can use in the classroom to improve outcomes for pupils, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. In an age of over-whelming amounts of pseudo-evidence, Unity Research School provides a solid and trustworthy source of information, proven to work in school settings and can help each school apply the evidence so that it is relevant to their setting and pupils’ needs.

The image opposite is our core team, but we have a much larger team – experts in their fields – drawn from some of our schools within Unity Schools Partnership and colleagues from organisations with which we work very closely.

“We are committed to championing great teaching at every opportunity and supporting the growth of evidence-informed practice in our region.”

Andy Samways – Director of Unity Research School

Our intention is to bridge the gap between research and classroom practice. We can help you become more research engaged, no matter what stage you are at. Whether you are just getting started with edu-research, already becoming informed, or are embedding evidence-based practices in your school we aim to support you and help you deepen the impact of your strategy.

We disseminate information, resources and evidence through five main channels:

  • Training
    High quality CPD for leaders and teachers that we can help them apply to their setting and needs. We offer a variety of courses of different topics and lengths: twilights, 1-day, 2-day, 3-day and ongoing programmes
  • Bespoke Offer
    We can tailor make support for your school in whatever form appropriate – a series of staff meetings, audits and development plan support, in-house training and consultation. We have the benefit of a number of well-respected and nationally known people including Marc Rowland (Pupil Premium) and Alex Bedford (Primary Curriculum & Book Study) to name but two.
  • Website
    Our Unity Research School website shows our latest events and signposts useful resources from trusted sources. It also brings you blogs from industry experts and hosts our free resources. Our library has podcasts, videos, recommended reads and links to other useful websites. This library is constantly being updated and expanded.
  • Newsletter
    Unity Research School’s newsletter brings you news from across the Research School Network and highlights resources from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). Blogs from Unity Research School and other prolific bloggers from across the network, CPD offer and our new resources also feature in each edition. We signpost partner events that are education research related too.
  • researchED Ipswich
    Unity Research School is proud to be one of the hosts of the international phenomenon which is researchED conferences. Nationally renowned and locally respected education professionals share their experience and expertise to crowds of research engaged teachers, teaching assistants and school leaders. There are numerous researchED conferences throughout the year around the country and in international locations. Our extravaganza is held in November each year.

Unity Research School Website

Visit our dedicated website www.researchschool.org.uk/unity/ for more details about the Research School.

There you will find:

  • a growing library of free resources
  • signposts to other reliable sources of evidence-informed resources
  • news and blogs
  • current CPD (continuing professional development) opportunities for evidence based topics such as metacognition, science, behaviour, literacy in secondary schools, Maximising Pupil Premium, Making the Best Use of Teaching Assistants and many more.
  • ways to contact us and get involved.