As a charitable company, Unity Schools Partnership Trust prepares and publishes its accounts each year. Our financial year matches the academic year, running from September through to August. Schools joining within the year will fall in to the next reporting cycle.
The majority of our funding comes direct from Government, based on the number of students in our schools; academies receive approximately the same per-pupil funding as local authority schools. We also generate some income from hiring out facilities, lettings and sports centre revenue. We are grateful for donations and grants from supporters.
We follow the Department for Education’s Academies Financial Handbook; we ensure that the public money we are entrusted with is spent as fairly and efficiently as possible, and to the maximum benefit of our students.
We are compliant with the Charity Commission’s guidance on good practice for charities.
Trade Union Facilities Time
For a statement regarding Facilities Time for Trade Union Officials working at the Trust, please see this document. The statement appears, also, in our Final Accounts.
Funding Agreements
Funding agreements provide the framework for multi-academy trusts, academies and free school to operate in. The Trust has a master funding agreement, and each of our academies has their own supplemental agreement.
Schools’ Funding Agreements
Funding Agreements for our Trust Schools are available to view here: