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Sheikh Mohammed has provided financial support for over 500 pupil premium students from nine different schools in Newmarket to support them during the coronavirus pandemic.

The donation is part of a wider effort by Sheikh Mohammed to support those most in need during the crisis.

Families of pupil premium students will be able to use the financial support to buy food and to purchase vital equipment for their academic studies.

Nick Froy, Headteacher of Newmarket Academy, speaking on behalf of the schools, said: “It is the children from the most disadvantaged backgrounds who could fall furthest behind during this challenging time.

“Sheikh Mohammed’s ongoing support of our school, and many others in the region, has literally transformed the lives of many students.

“I would like to extend our thanks to Sheikh Mohammed for this wonderful gesture at this challenging time”.

A spokesperson for Sheikh Mohammed said the personal donation has been made because of his “deep and long-standing connections with the UK”.

The spokesperson added: “Sheikh Mohammed is committed to supporting school children whose families need a helping hand because they are missing out due to school closures.”

Past donations from Sheikh Mohammed have funded a state-of-the-art library at Newmarket Academy and substantial improvements to classroom facilities at the school.