Unity Schools Partnership


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Suffolk County Council has commissioned Unity Schools Partnership to deliver an assessment nursery at a former nursery building in Bramford Lane, Ipswich.

A satellite of The Bridge School provision, this would be 16 places (8FTEs). In its first year, it could also accommodate new children into Reception as there will be insufficient space at The Bridge School on Sprites Lane, Ipswich.

Children attending the nursery would not automatically move directly to The Bridge School after attending the assessment nursery, they will be placed at the most appropriate setting for their individual needs. These places will be in addition to our current PAN (Planned Admission Number).

Unity Schools Partnership is working alongside Suffolk County Council to develop additional specialist education places. Across Suffolk there is a shortfall of specialist places available. This can mean that some pupils have to be educated away from their local communities.

As part of a SEND capital programme, an additional 190 new specialist placements will be available for children and their families across Suffolk. This is on top of existing specialist provision. This will give more children the opportunity to be educated closer to home.

The funding for capital works to The Bridge School is being provided by Suffolk County Council.

These places will be in addition to our current PAN (Planned Admission Number). This means that there will not be a reduction in the number of places available in the usual admissions round. Allocation of specialist places will follow a separate admissions process.

Under the Department for Education’s Making Significant Changes to an Open Academy guidance, multi-academy trusts must consult with their community when proposing to make significant changes to the operation of an open academy.

Unity Schools Partnership and The Bridge School now want to hear the views of its stakeholders on this significant change proposal.

Public consultation questions

1. Do you support plans to open a satellite of The Bridge School to provide addition specialist places in primary and secondary education?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Reasons why…

2. Do you have any additional comments to make?

Please send your comments by email to projects@unitysp.co.uk.

The consultation runs from Monday 27th February 2023 until Monday 27th March 2023. Please refer to this website for any updates on the consultation.