November has been quite a month.
Throughout the year, children and teachers have been thinking about the First World War and the 100th anniversary of the end of the war.
Many schools created impressive displays using poppies and marked the anniversary – both in school during the week preceding Remembrance Sunday and some joining in civic events in their community.
Our teachers used all their skill to help children understand the horrors of war and also the reasons behind it.
It was a poignant occasion but one that united so many communities and schools.
This was also true last week when schools, businesses and individuals came together for Children in Need.
Whether it is dressing in spots or baking – and enjoying – Pudsey cakes, the altruism and generosity of children was also hugely inspiring.
Of course, schools are no strangers to fundraising and continually support many good causes, both national and local.
It is great to see the current interest in getting a defibrillator based at each school in the trust, and available too for residents close to each school.
Alongside the fundraising, there are always stories of staff – and our young students – going above and beyond.
One headteacher told me of a “special child” in their school who did something quite amazing.
The pupil’s mum fell down the stairs at home and knocked herself out. The pupil in question calmly spoke to her dad on the phone, spoke to the emergency services and then made sure her younger brother was safe by giving him some food and putting him in front of the TV.
She then stayed on the phone for 20 minutes making sure her mum was breathing until letting the ambulance crew in.
Our mission for children is Results Plus. We strive for children in schools to get the very best results they can which will then lead to many doors being open to them.
While the ‘Plus’ means everything else that one would consider as a first class education.
Celebrations, fundraising and the ability to keep yourself and others safe are as important to us in our schools’ curriculum as any other aspect.
I would like to end by thanking everyone who reads this monthly column. Each month, I wonder whether anyone does.
So, I was thrilled when a reader wrote in to the paper regarding last month’s column. She had read the article and said she didn’t agree with what I had written as it didn’t, in her view, portray the reality of schools.
I welcome all opinions and I hope to engage with the reader more in the near future.