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A headteacher has described the emotional moment he informed staff that their school had received a ‘Good’ rating by Ofsted.

Staff, students and the school community around Woodhall Primary School in Sudbury are celebrating after the recent inspection, which included an ‘Outstanding’ rating for Personal Development.

Headteacher Matthew Fuller heaped praise on the ‘team effort’ while revealing there was a mix of ‘relief and joy’ when they heard the news.

Mr Fuller said: “I am delighted with the report and the fact it has recognised all the hard work put in by everyone connected with the school.

“It is a culmination of a real team effort over the last three years. When I told staff, there was a mix of relief and joy.

“It was a really emotional moment and not something I had ever experienced before.”

In the Ofsted report, school leaders were praised for raising expectations and aspirations for all pupils and this was reciprocated by parents who were “overwhelmingly positive” about Woodhall, according to the inspection.

The report added: “Pupils at Woodhall Primary School receive a good quality of education. Leaders provide pupils with a broad and interesting curriculum that prepares pupils well for life.

“Disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are nurtured and helped to succeed in their learning.

“The pastoral team supports pupils’ behaviour, emotional development and welfare. This is a real strength. Leaders have a mindset that no-one is left behind.”

Mr Fuller said: “It was particularly pleasing that Ofsted recognised that this was a highly inclusive school which welcomes children from all backgrounds.

“We are also delighted to have such a positive response from parents – where 100% of those surveyed said they would recommend Woodhall.”

Tim Coulson, chief executive of the Unity Schools Partnership, of which Woodhall is a member, said: “I would like to congratulate all the staff, pupils and entire school community for this excellent, and richly deserved, report.”